Women continue to inspire & amaze people. We're not sure why...since women have always had the capacity to do amazing things. Apparently people are just paying closer attention now!
Glamour Magazine honored a bevy of talented and brave women at their 2009 Women of the Year gala earlier this week. Honorees included Maya Angelou, Stella McCartney, Amy Pohler, and Google genius Marissa Mayer among others.
As one of the recipients, Amy Pohler's acceptance speech included my favorite piece of advice from the evening:
"Girls, if boys say something that isn't funny...you don't have to laugh!"
Ah, the honesty to only laugh when a joke is funny...seems so small but really says a lot about knowing yourself. And what makes you laugh!
So girls, laugh all you want if his jokes are funny. But if the jokes aren't funny and you keep laughing...you're dooming yourself to an lifetime of those same unfunny jokes. And life is just TOO short for bad jokes!
Check out highlights of this year's event (including Amy's advice & some killer fashions) at the link below: