Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Embrace Grati-Tuesday!

“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” ~ Socrates

In our quest for happiness, there is sooooo much to do!

Stopping to savor in our rush to save our world....is it possible?

This is a mini-blog of gratitude. If it was a full-size blog, you'd need another two minutes.

Here's two minutes from us to you -- savor it, relish it, embrace it.

Nice start....now go on -- enjoy less and be your happiest.

Hugs from Lead Like a Girl and Women's Quest Vermont Adventure


  1. In the movie "I Am" they said that Native American Indians believed that having more than one needed is mental illness. Less is more. Love this post.
    Pam Lampe

  2. Thanks, Pam! I saw "I Am" (loved it!!) -- remember the analogy about a tree?? A tree only takes from the earth what it needs to sustain itself -- never more. And the example of a person coming in from the cold? ...great insights into how little we need to be happy.

    Thanks for sharing.


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