Do feel you have ever been passed over, talked down to or even let go because you were prettier or smarter than your boss? Perhaps she (or he) didn't like the competition (whether you thought you were being competitive or not).
There's a book out called "Tripping the Prom Queen: The Truth About Women & Rivalry" all about how women sabotage each other in the work place. Why does that happen? What is it in us that flares up and wants to stop others that are more successful than we are? Why can we not just be supportive and help others succeed recognizing that in their success, we are elevating our own standing as well?
I'm remided of something my mom told me about crabs. Or more specifically, crabs in a basket. If you go crabbing, catch one crab and place him in a basket, you have to keep an eye on him because he will continuously try to escape until he is free. If, however, you catch multiple crabs and put them in a basket, you don't have to watch them at all. This is because when they are in a group, the crabs will not help each other escape. In fact, when one starts to leave the basket, the others will pull him back in (very Godfather, don't you think!). They literally seal their collective fate by ensuring NONE of the crabs escape.
Have you been a crab on the run who's been pulled back in by the others around you, therefore slowing or stopping your success? Or perhaps you can think back to a time when you've pulled back an escaping crab to make yourself feel better.
Why do we do this? Or better yet, how can we learn NOT to do this and support the women around us who want to accomplish amazing things?
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