Everyone has a hero...who's yours? Who do you know that "Leads Like a Girl" and inspires you to want to find your own inner Girl Leader?
Being single, I love my ability to choose what I want to do every day without having to answer to anyone. Ah, the freedom! BUT...I am also a wee little bit jealous of my best friend and her family. She's an awesome mom with two little boys (three if you count her big boy/husband!). Every time I see her in action, I am amazed at how effectively she runs her home, creates community among friends, holds down a job, and supports her husband's continued growth as he pursues a degree (actually...PURSUED a degree...he graduated this month!).
The woman is a hero in my eyes because she never complains about a lack of resources, how life is so unfair, or anything else I hear most people complain of daily as they sip their Starbuck's lattes on the way to the metro. She simply finds a way to make the best of every situation.
If there's a bargain, she'll find it. I've never seen anyone who can stretch a dollar so far. She knows exactly when things go on sale, is tuned in to all the good coupons and discounts, and can make ordinary items into extraordinary displays (the woman made a tank cake for her son's Army-themed birthday party with licorice and mini-Oreos...it was incredible!).
She's also an incredible mom. Patient but firm...just like Super Nanny! She has well behaved kids (not easy for two little boys). Honestly...they're the kind of kids that make you think you might want one of your own!
And her marriage is based on respect. Sure there are ups, downs and sideways hard times...but I've never seen anything but love and respect between her and her husband. They've been married longer than any of my friends and just like their kids...their marriage makes you think the institution may not be so bad after all!
So, that is why my best friend is my hero. She makes being a super mom, wife & woman look easy. If even SOME of the leaders in corporate America had 1/10th of her creativity, respect for others, and ability to work within a budget...the world would be a better place!
So who's the woman you know that makes you say, "WOW! You're my hero!"? Click on comment below to share your hero's story & why you love her!
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